We Wrestle With Not Flesh and Blood

“We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood” – Armor of God Series part 1

Occasionally, we feel backed into a corner and ready to give up. A lot of us have been duped into thinking that the devil is winning. But we have to remember that it is not over. We get to make the final move in those times of battle. No matter where you are, no matter what you are struggling with, no matter who has caused your hurt or pain, that move is your move.

How do you use this final move?
The answer is in Ephesians 6:10-12

10  Finally, be STRONG in the Lord and in HIS mighty power.

11  Put on the FULL armor of God, so that YOU can take your STAND against the devil’s schemes.

12  For our struggle is NOT against FLESH AND BLOOD, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS.

Listen, people are not your problem. They are your purpose. People are just the channel for what is really happening in places that we don’t see, feel, touch, taste, or hear. The battles that we have in life, whatever they may be, are not primarily physical (flesh & blood). Our battle is against principalities and powers and world forces of darkness which are in heavenly places (the spiritual realm). Whatever is going on in your world is rooted first in the spiritual realm. If you cannot navigate the spiritual realm, then you won’t be able to fix the problems in THIS realm.

This is called Spiritual Warfare. It is the conflict/battle in the invisible realm that affects what you are going through in the visible realm. It is the battle in the unseen that is responsible for the battle in the seen. Whatever is happening in the world of your 5 senses has been started in a world you cannot see. As humans, tend to try to fix this world by using things from in this world, but this world is not where the battle starts! Everything that God is going to do for you is located in the unseen realm. That is why praying for GOD’S WILL for your life, situation, or battle is key. We have to put on the mind of Christ to know how to deal with the spiritual battles that are raging on this physical earth.

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