We Wrestle With Not Flesh & Blood part 6

This week we continued our series by Pastor reminding us that we will not know the heart of God if we are giving into the schemes of satan. We can't serve Jesus if we are serving sin. We won't hear the Holy Spirit's voice if we are not sober and alert. Why would we expect any nutrition or fruit to come from the spirit of God when we are constantly feeding our flesh? (sinning)

Feed your spirit and you will reap the fruits of the Spirit.

1 Corinthians 14 : 1

1st  –  PURSUE the  ‘FRUITS’ - leverage the fruits for transformation and growth in you.
2nd  –  DESIRE the  ‘GIFTS’ - leverage the gifts for transformation and growth in others.

Leverage these both for the glory of God.

Your enemy doesn't want you to fight/work hard at obtaining the character and fruit of God. Your enemy wants you to be lazy, distracted, defeated, and wallowing in sin... he wants you to lay your bible down and become ignorant of the Word of God. Your enemy wants you to stop praying and listening to God and he wants you to deny the Holy Spirit through doubt skepticism, and sin.

Don't underestimate/overestimate the influence of evil, learn to recognize it and turn from it! Don't let him win.

"The key to overcoming the activity and influence of evil in your life and your world, of course, is to recognize it. When you expose it to the light of Christ, evil loses it's power."
Carey Nieuwhof

Take a look at your life and ask yourself:

Do my words, thoughts, and actions manifest the fruit and character of God?

What do I need to stop doing or start doing in order for me...
to know the heart of God.
to serve Jesus
to start feeding my spirit
to not blame God when I go through suffering
to learn and work at becoming alive to God.
to first purse the fruits of the spirit, then second, desire the gifts of the Spirit.
to never overestimate or underestimate the influence of evil

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