We Wrestle With Not Flesh and Blood part 2

“We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood” – Armor of God Series part 2

“Are not all the ANGELS spirits who WORK FOR GOD? They are SENT OUT TO HELP those who are to be saved from the punishment of sin.” - Hebrews 1:14

King James – “…sent forth to minister…”
Amplified – “…sent forth for the assistance of…”
Living Bible – “…sent to help and care for…”

“Be careful that you don’t look down on one of these LITTLE ONES because ‘THEIR’ angels in HEAVEN are ALWAYS LOOKING INTO THE FACE OF MY FATHER who is in HEAVEN.” - Matthew 18 : 10

Angels are not at our disposal, but God's. They work for God. Sent out from Him to you. When we call on God, He will send an angel or host of angels to fight on our behalf in the Spiritual Realm (heavenly places).

“… the RULERS, the AUTHORITIES, the POWERS of THIS dark world AND the spiritual forces of evil in the HEAVENLY REALMS.
Ephesians 6 : 12

Do you realize that demons are also located in Heavenly Places (spiritual realm). They are satan's most powerful chiefs and leaders. They are wicked and will never stop trying to ruin you. That is why you need to be up for the fight, strong in the Lord, and properly armed with the armor of God, so that you can fight for God, truth, yourself, and others.

As humans, we have to fight against laziness, lust, dishonesty, opposition, temptations from within, and temptations from others. We may also have to fight against depression, boredom, lack of interest, growing weary, longing for ease. All hard work is a fight so be aware that demons are not weak opponents and they do not play fair. They are studying us and they know our weaknesses, sin patterns, our issues, and our hurts, pains, and offenses.
They have one job, and that is to take advantage of our weak points. So, it is going to take a fight, and intentional hard work on your part to resist giving in to your weaknesses and temptations because they are not going to quit until you do. That is why you will need the mighty power of God, and His supernatural armor to defeat them.

When you learn to walk in that, they will be a footstool for your feet and you will rule in the midst of your enemies!

What happens in the spiritual realm gets manifested here in the physical realm. If you are unaware how the spiritual realm works, then all you are left with is knowledge of the physical. The problem with that is that we cannot fix the physical problem if the problem is started from the spiritual realm. You need to go to the source of the problem and go to the spiritual realm and do battle there.

Satan wants you to stay focused in the physical realm because if you learn about the spiritual realm you might find out that there are angels that will help you get to the root of the issue and satan has NO CHANCE with God's angelic hosts.

“Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to STAND FIRM against the SCHEMES of the devil”

The STRATEGY of the devil and his minions are that they don't want you to know their methods and schemes. They want you to think of them as just a cartoon, then you will never take them seriously. That is why many of us celebrate and participate in things that bring attention, glory, and honor to satan and his demonic underlings. Satan's ultimate scheme is to deceive. He uses many vehicles to get to you. So be aware of a deceitful person/thing. Becareful of someone who misrepresents the truth.

13  For such people are FALSE apostles, DECEITFUL WORKERS, MASQUERADING as apostles of Christ.
14  And no wonder, for satan himself MASQUERADES as an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11 : 14

YOU NEED TO BE WARNED that he doesn't want you to see him for what he really is. He will come looking like something else, through someone else. It won't SEEM to be a harmful thing to do, or a bad place to go, or a bad thing to agree with, or a harmful thing to watch/listen to.

In order to get you to move away from the protective covering of God, satan has to get you to relocate. His goal is to trick you and trap you into seeing things from his perspective and causing us to relocate our biblical morals and standards. Remember, satan comes dressed up as an angel of light to convince you that the truth is a lie, and the lie is the truth. He wants to take from you all of what God has for you. When you feel the misery and chaos of your poor decisions, that is satan gloating over you. The good news is that you can walk out of that grave and be resurrected.

The only power that satan and his demons have is the power you give them. The only reason that satan has any control over planet earth is because Adam and Eve gave him permission to do it. They gave their trust away by believing him over God. They believed his lie, that a little bite (a little sin) wouldn't harm them over God's warning to avoid it completely. The lie they fell for is that God's word is not truth. That God is not protecting you from anything, instead he is keeping you and holding you back. By falling for satan's deceitful scheme, they gave him permission. Much of what WE suffer with today is strictly from giving the devil a foothold, permission, to wreak havoc. The devil operates by your consent and cooperation, but they can only mess with you if you give them permission to.

Stop giving him permission to wreak havoc in your lives! Put on the armor of God and trust that God's word is TRUTH, and for your protection.

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